
Oulton (J. E. L.)

Oulton, J. E. L., “The epistle of Cummian, ‘De controversia Paschali’”, in: Kurt Aland, and Frank Leslie Cross (eds), Studia patristica, vol. I: papers presented to the Second International Conference on Patristic Studies held at Christ Church, Oxford, 1955, Part I, 63, Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1957. 128–133.
Oulton, J. E. L., “Ussher’s work as a patristic scholar and church historian”, Hermathena 88 (1956): 3–11.
Oulton, J. E. L., “On a synod referred to in the De controversia Paschali of Cummian”, Hermathena 24:49 (1935): 88–93.


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